Friday, April 2, 2010

goodness abound...

for those who don't know... today is good friday... today is the day we "celebrate" Jesus path to the cross... we remember the night He took on all our sins... took our punishment... allowed himself to be taken captive... beaten ... beaten to the point where skin was ripped off - bone and muscle exposed... a crown of thorns ripped into his head... he was spit on... paraded around naked... and then... he allowed nails to be driven into his hands and feet ... after which they stood the cross upright ... there is hung between heaven and hell... suffering... bleeding... for the first time His Father turned his back - unable to see his Son who at this time was COVERED in our sins... the perfect you know they actually made up a new word for this kind of pain? excrucicating... and yet... in the midst of all of this our Savior cried out... "Father forgive them... they know not what they do..." many would say He was talking about those who stood at the cross - mocking him... but we all know better... on that night i believe Jesus looked down 2000 years of history and saw me... "Father forgive catie - she knows not what she does..." i believe Jesus saw you..."Father forgive ____ - they know not what they do"... in the midst of His darkest hour - Jesus saw you... loved you... forgave you.... but fear not friend... the story's not over...

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