Saturday, March 17, 2012

kiss me.

here's some inspiration.  now get out there and kiss the ones you love.

happy saint patrick's day to all.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

kaitlin & jeremiah.

i can still remember talking to kaitlin in our hotel room at a youth conference about jerimiah...
"he's such a good guy." i said.
"i know."  she said as her eyes said it all... it was the beginning of love.  

fast forward. a question. a ring. an anwser.  a forever was beginning.

i was so honored to be asked to capture their wedding.   God is truly doing something amazing through their relationship.  i cannot wait to see where He takes them.

here are just a FEW of my favorites from the day.   go here for more

k & j - we are blessed to know you.

Friday, March 9, 2012


somehow... in all the catch up... i missed it.  i missed celebrating my 200th post.  if i was a t.v. show i would be eating cake right now and toasting with my favorite drink.   my husband is bringing me a big glass of ice water as i type and if there is any left he will add some chrystal light to it... for post 300 i will be more prepared.   s'mores and a big glass of milk... maybe even a party hat.

however for post 202.   i simply can only realize what a terrible blogger i still am.  i get caught up.... busy.  lazy... tired... i put blogging off... as much as i would like to think of myself as the carrie bradshaw of photography... i have failed. 

it is two-fold really.  on one hand i am not sorry.  i do not regret not blogging and instead cuddling my new husband while we watch a redbox.  taking a bubble bath. watching my nephews play soccer. being a better friend. 

on the other hand.  i have the wonderful honor of capturing moments in time.  of telling stories.  and it is my duty to share them.

bare with me as i catch up.  keep reading, the stories are just beginning.

stop messing with me...

... that's right spring.  i am talking to you.   i am over the pressure changes that give me headaches.  not wearing a coat only to freeze later.  wearing my flipflops one day and needing my uggs the next.  looking out the window at sunshine knowing its FREEZING outside.  ooovvvveerrrr it. 

i am ready for spring.  warm but not hot weather... photoshoots outside... picnics... trips to the lake... and lots of weddings...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{tiffany & b.j}... engaged.

 when they tell the story they both smile... bj put it simple.

"one day after school, i told her to kiss me, even though she had a boyfriend."

so i asked tiffany, "did you kiss him?"

"i did."

"so what happened to your boyfriend, " i asked.

"he wasn't my boyfriend anymore," she said with a laugh.

the rest is history.

a day before their wedding i snapped some pictures.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

our booth.

a labor of love from my husband. 
 i am so lucky that he does anything and everything to help me chase my dreams.